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Latest from the Blog

#8 Cobblestone

I want to write a supplementary post to express my appreciation to everyone who has taken the time out of their busy days to read my content and consume it thoughtfully. From a very warm place, thank you. One important goal of my blog was to inform others about mental health, but first and foremost,…

#7 Autophagy

According to these statistics, 9% of the entire world’s population is diagnosed with an eating disorder, and only 1 in 10 people who do have eating disorders will seek help in their lifetime. Though, despite those awful numbers, I doubt the prevalence of these conditions in modern day society needs to be convinced to anyone.…

#6 Broken Mirrors

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is often mistaken for general bipolar disorder and, while it is true that DID can result in bipolar symptoms, the reality is much more nuanced. The truth is DID is a mixture of amnesia, post-traumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia. This Q and A defines the condition in helpful ways that might…

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